August 2019 is the month when we celebrate our first birthday.

Long live Kokoro!

It’s been an amazing ride: it all started with a conversation and an idea around authenticity. That then became a mission: bringing more humanity back into workplaces and everyday life.

Kokoro is a space where people are free to be their authentic selves and free to nurture their ‘kokoro’: their mind, feelings, heart.

Of course it’s not being easy, but that has never been my expectation. I love a challenge and what makes Kokoro worthwhile is seeing the difference we can make in people’s lives. And, of course, that has a ripple effect on my well-being and the one of my family.

We can create anything we want, if we want.

Enjoy the celebratory video 🙂

#kokoroconsultancy #birthday #businessbirthday #celebrations #coaching #resiliencecoaching #dreams #resilience #selfbelief #happiness #work #wellbeing #wellness #international #global #authenticity #communication #employeeengagement #leadership

Happy birthday, Kokoro!

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