Resilience Training

Mental health and well-being in the workplace


Resilience has now become a bit of a buzz word, especially following the recent pandemic, but in reality resilience is NOT the antidote to all challenges. It will not offer you immunity towards adversities.

Yet, it is an essential skill to learn, understand and nurture in order to live a happier and more serene life.

Resilience will equipe you with the flexibility and tools you need to grow and come out difficult times wiser and stronger. Furthermore, if you are leader, by developing you own resilience you will be able to influence the level of resilience of your team and the whole organisation. 



Resilience is the capacity for change and it’s a skill that can be learnt, lost and re-found too !

Resilience is like any other skills: it can be developed, but it all starts from where we are.

Finding our resilience sources is about developing appreciation for our strengths, for what gives us energy and also starting being aware of what we have already.

When we become more resilient, we adapt, flex to situations and we are more able to rely on our strengths developing a realistically positive approach to life. 

However, all of us develop resilience in a different way. Chat with me if you want to understand how I can help you or your team to grow!




    I have spent years studying about resilience, incorporating a somatic yoga approach and creativity into my coaching practice , and previously experimenting on myself during my competitive years of TaeKwonDo, my years of eating disorders in my teens and 20s, and episode of burnouts in my 30s and 40s.

    I really understand what it feels like losing resilience and what it takes to find it again.

    In the last few years, I’ve worked with 100s of individuals and teams helping them to understand the concept of resilience and giving them the confidence to develop it again, nurture it and monitor it when things get tough. My clients have found their well-being, productivity and sense of purpose has increased noticeably!



    None of my trainings are product off the shelves, you know? I will always tailor my workshops to your needs, resources and … personalities. But, if you want to know more and are interested in bringing some knowledge and fun to your team, here some of the things you will learn in my workshops:

    •   understanding what resilience is
    •  WHY resilience is important for our general well-being, especially now that we
      are facing a mental ill health pandemic
    • working with science of the body and learn techniques that will quickly change the way you feel
    • understanding the pillars of resilience and being able to identify yours
    • how you can prevent a drop in resilience in us and people around us

    By the end of this workshop you will …

    • have practical tools to develop resilience, based on a scientific and a well documented approach
    • have a toolbox of embodiment techniques to apply straightway
    • have an action plan to continue your growth

      So, go on and start a conversation with me: email me below!


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